Why I Made This

Funky Pictures

New Stuff

Cool Bands

Other cool Bands

Stuff and stuff like that

Song Parody of the week


KickAss Links

Stupid things to sell



Not much is new, cept for the song parody thing. if you have any email em to me! my email should be somewhere on this site.. look around.
Plus, i got some REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLYYY funny pics of nsync being themselves. check out the one in the parody section..

08/28/01 I changed the parody from 'pop' to 'its gonna be me'

09/30/01 I added new pics, changed the site layout, and (TA DA!!!!!!!!) got a counter!!!

09/30/01 If you have any movie/music reviews send em to me! pleez only send ones that you wrote, or one of ur friends wrote.

10/01/01 I added a Movie Reviews page, because i was swamped with emails with movie reviews!!!

10/23/01 Sorry i havent updated it that much.. ive been busy with stuff.
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... i added more colors n crap, i changed the poll, and i changed the pix.

10/26/01 I changed the parody, the flavor of the week, and the aaliyah pics to CoNe pix! ps before when i sed the guy on the left (the bizzy d pic) was the person karen luvs, i was wrong, the guy on the right is the guy she likes. even thought the left one is cooler.

click on the eye to go to!!

hey...... i got rid of the news section. any idea's on what to put here? email me.


"The world's goin to hell, and i'm driving the bus"